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Bakkendorf, O. 1947. (Mindre Meddelelse: Notes on the biotope of Neurotes iridescens Enock (Micro- Hym.), new to Denmark). - 25: 154-155. PDF
Bakkendorf, O. 1948a. A comparison of a Mymarid from Baltic amber with a recent species, Petiolaria anomala (Micro-Hym.). - 25: 213-218. PDF
Bakkendorf, O. 1948b. Hadronotus laticeps siamensis nov. var. (Scel. Proct.). - 25: 218-220. PDF
Bisgaard, C. 1948. Corrigenda to my paper about ants, 1944. - 25: 225. PDF
Carolsfeld-Krausé, A. G. 1948-49. Some remarks on the Synonymy of the Fagus feeding Nepticulae (Nepticulidae, Lepidoptera). - 25: 299-310. (pp. 299-304: 1948; pp. 305-310: 1949). PDF
Condé, B. 1947. Un Protoure remarquable du Danemark. - 25: 161-164. PDF
Deurs, W. van. 1948. Nye og sjældne Sommerfugle i 1947. - 25: 212-213. PDF
Deurs, W. van. 1949. Nye og sjældne Sommerfugle i 1948. - 25: 327-329. PDF
Deurs, W. van. 1950. Nye sommerfugle for den danske fauna. - 25: 406-407. PDF
Fæster, K. 1947. Une nouvelle espèce de genre Passaloecus Shuck. (Hym. Spheg.). - 25: 204-205. PDF
Fæster, K. 1951a. Beiträge zum Studium der Spheciden (Hym.). - 25: 449-458. PDF
Gümoes, J. E. 1951. (Mindre Meddelelse: Sommerfuglefund fra Dragør Nordstrand i aarene 1949/50). - 25: 463-464. PDF
Hansen, V. 1947. The Danish species of the genus Ptiliolum Flach subg. Ptiliolum s. str. (Ptiliidae, Coleoptera). - 25: 201-204. PDF
Hansen, V. 1950. Nye billearter for den danske fauna. 1949. - 25: 405-406. PDF
Hansen, V. 1951a. (Mindre Meddelelse: Nye billearter for den danske fauna. 1950). - 25: 465-466. PDF
Hellén, W. 1950. Some remarks on the Ichneumonid fauna of Iceland. - 25: 414-418. PDF
Hemmingsen, A. M. 1947a. A chrysalis stridulating by means of instrument on inside of cocoon. - 25: 165-173. PDF
Hemmingsen, A. M. 1947b. Plant bug guarding eggs and offspring and shooting anal jets (Physomerus grossipes F., Coreidae). - 25: 200. PDF
Hoffmeyer, E. B. 1948. Tillæg til Fortegnelse over de danske Galler. - 25: 226-230. PDF
Jansson, A. 1950-51. The Gall-flies (Cynipidae) of Iceland. A Revision. - 25: 425-434. (pp. 425-428: 1950; pp. 429-434: 1951). PDF
Johnsen, P. 1948. Notes on the Danish Louse-Flies (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). - 25: 278-298. PDF
Johnsen, P. & H. Krog, 1948. Potosia speciosissima Scop. subfossil in Denmark (Coleoptera Lamellicornia). - 25: 252-262. PDF
Larsen, E. B. 1948. Observations on the Activity of some Culicids. Studies on the activity of insects IV. - 25: 263-277. PDF
Leth, K. O. 1948. Bornholms Vandtæger. - 25: 237-248. PDF
Leth, K. O. 1950. Fund af gravehvepsen Crabro kiesenwetteri Mor. i Danmark. - 25: 408. PDF
Madsen, F. 1948. Light-trap catching by ultraviolet rays. - 25: 221-225. PDF
Nielsen, A. 1950. Notes on the Genus Apatidea MacLachlan. With Descriptions of two New and possibly Endemic Species from the Springs of Himmerland. - 25: 384-404. PDF
Nielsen, P. 1947. Notes on Danish Nematocera, with a description of Tipula jutlandica n. sp. - 25: 205-208. PDF
Ossiannilsson, F. 1948. Ett bidrag till kännedomen om Islands stritfauna. (Hemiptera Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). - 25: 249-251. PDF
Pedersen, H. S. 1948. Celerio lineata livornica Esp. i Jylland. - 25: 213. PDF
Petersen, A. 1951. Rettelser og tilføjelser til "Bidrag til de danske Simuliers naturhistorie". - 25: 446-448. PDF
Princis, K. 1949. Kleine Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Blattarien und ihrer Verbreitung. II. - 25: 361-364. PDF
Schepler, F. 1947. (Mindre Meddelelse: Ny dansk Sommerfugl, Rhyacia fugax Tr.). - 25: 150-152. PDF
Schjelderup-Ebbe, T. 1947. (Mindre Meddelelse: Biologiske undersøkelser over biller). - 25: 155-160. PDF
Trägårdh, I. 1949. Description of two new genera of Mesostigmata (Acarina), Aspidilaelaps from Samoa and Protoholaspis from Peru. - 25: 311-325. PDF
Tuxen, S. L. 1950. The harvest mite, Leptus autumnalis, in Denmark. Observations made in 1949. - 25: 366-383. PDF
Vibe, C. 1950. Some insects new to Greenland. - 25: 419-420. PDF
West, A. 1947. Tillæg til "Fortegnelse over Danmarks Biller, deres Udbredelse i Danmark, Forekomststeder og -tider, Biologi m. m." I. - 25: 3-141. PDF
West, A. 1948. Nye Billearter for den danske fauna. 1947. - 25: 209-211. PDF
West, A. 1949. Nye Billearter for den danske fauna. 1948. - 25: 326-327. PDF
Wilsund, E., J. Lundqvist, J. C. Jensen & W. van Deurs, 1950. Fem nye danske sommerfugle fra 1949: 3 noctuider (Cucullia fraudatrix Ev., Sedina büttneri Her., Tarache luctuosa Schiff.) og 2 pyralider (Selagia argyrella Schiff., Pyrausta perlucidalis Hb.). - 25: 409-413 + 1 (unn.) pl. PDF
Wolff, N. L. 1947. (Mindre Meddelelse: Hydroecia petasitis Dbld., en upåagtet sommerfugl). - 25: 152-153. PDF
Wolff, N. L. 1949. Hemimene cinerosana HS., a widely distributed, but hitherto unappreciated, species (Lep., Tortr.). - 25: 351-360. PDF
Wolff, N. L. 1950. Crambus bonifatellus Hulst, an unexpected Component of the Lepidopterous Fauna of Greenland. - 25: 421-424. PDF
Worm-Hansen, J. G. 1947. (Mindre Meddelelse: Nyt for Faunaen). - 25: 153-154. PDF
Worm-Hansen, J. G. 1948. A Gynandromorphic Moth. - 25: 221. PDF
Worm-Hansen, J. G. 1950. Nyt for Faunaen. - 25: 408. PDF
Worm-Hansen, J. G. & S. G. Larsson, 1947. Semasia krygeri Rebel (Lep., Tortr.). Morphology and biology. - 25: 174-195. PDF
Wygodzinsky, P. 1948. Note on Megaploiaria McAtee & Malloch, 1926, with the description of a new species from Australia (Emesinae, Reduv., Hem.). - 25: 231-236. PDF